The equipment used in precision agriculture requires optimally matched, even the smallest elements and components. In our offer you will find filters and gaskets for sprayer covers. Design and production, which is the responsibility of the well-known Italian brand ARAG, is the best proof of the highest quality of our accessories.
Filters and gaskets, due to their high variety, have a very wide range of applications. Our products include threaded rings, basket filters, gaskets for use between the tank and the ring, and vent valves. We offer all accessories at attractive prices.
Zawór odpowietrzający labiryntowy.
Zawór odpowietrzający kulowy pływakowy.
Zawór z PVC
Zawór odpowietrzający labiryntowy.
Kurek do mycia rąk (wyjście 17,5mm).
Kurek do mycia rąk (wyjście 8,5mm).
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