In our store you will find the highest quality electrovalves for sprayers. Our company is the main distributor of Arag, a leading manufacturer of precision farming products. Therefore, MRJ Agrotim can offer very competitive prices of goods. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with our detailed offer.
When choosing electrovalves for orchard or field sprayers, it is worth reaching for the Arag brand product. Our electric valves are modern and reliable, they will prove themselves in the most extreme situations. By investing in agricultural electrovalves, you can effectively modernize your farm and improve work efficiency.
The electric valves we offer are made of nylon reinforced with glass fiber.
MRJ Agrotim offers you electrovalves for field and orchard sprayers. The goods we offer are signed with the Arag brand, a leading manufacturer of precision farming equipment. Thanks to this, when shopping at MRJ Agrotim, you receive the highest quality product.
The electrovalves are very durable, their production uses nylon, which is additionally reinforced with glass fiber. This modern design makes Arag electric valves the best choice on the market today. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the entire catalog of precision farming products.
Elektrozawory solenoidowe zamknięte 12 Vdc
Pojedynczy korpus z dwoma zaworami solenoidowymi
Kołnierz z mosiądzu gwintowany 3/4"
Złączki wyjściowe z mosiądzu widełkowe 1/2" gwintowane męskie
elektrozawór 12 Vdc, modułowy, korpus z mosiężny ze złączkami 1/2" gwintowanymi żeńskimi
Jedyna w swoim rodzaju rączka pomocna przy wyborze pozycji i ciśnienia podczas pracy. Oprócz tego jest ergonomiczna, płynnie zmienia pozycję, a także wyposażona jest w manometr do odczytu ciśnienia.
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